
Health Services General Information

From The Health Office

General Information

gifFirst Aid

The schools attempt to provide an environment in which your child will be safe from accidents. Minor bumps,bruises and ailments will be treated. If an accident or sudden illness occurs, you will be contacted.

During the school year, your child will be screened for vision, hearing, blood pressure, height and weight. Children over the age of 10 will be screened for scoliosis. If you have any concerns about your child's hearing or vision at any time during the school year, call the school nurse. It is possible for vision to change during the year.

Contagious Illness
In order to keep our students safe and healthy, we ask that you inform your school nurse of any contagious illness that your child may have contracted such as but not limited to: head lice, ringworm, strep throat, conjunctivitis (pink eye) and impetigo.

If your child had any type of surgery or injury, please notify the school nurse. If there are any restrictions or limitations placed on the student by the physician, a note is required from the physician stating the nature of the injury and specific limitations. Students with crutches, splints or casts require a physician note in order to return to school.

If it is necessary for your child to receive medication during school hours, written permission must include the reason for medication, the name of medication, the dosage to be given and the time it is to be administered. The medication must be brought to the health office by a parent/guardian in the original pharmacy container properly labeled along with the physician's written permission. Specific forms are required for asthma, severe allergy, seizure disorder and diabetes.
Medication Form

Students are required to receive immunizations in compliance with the current schedule as indicated by New Jersey Sanitary Code Chapter 14. Proof of these immunizations must be presented to the school. Documentation of "fully immunized " or "series complete" are unacceptable under these regulations.
NJ State Immunization Requirements

All new students entering the district are required to submit a physical examination completed by their medical care provider. Parents are encouraged to continue with physical examinations during the developmental stages of your child. 
Physical Exam Report

Food Allergies
Food allergy is a growing safety concern. Approximately 2 million school-aged children have a food allergy. For some, even small amounts of the food allergen can cause a reaction. As a school community, we ask that any food sent to school for any classroom activity be accompanied by the food ingredient label. Any food sent without a label may not be sent to the classroom.