
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB)

C.B. Lamb School
46 Schoolhouse Road
Wrightstown, NJ 08562

District Anti-Bullying Coordinator: 
Dr. Gerald Paterson

C.B. Lamb School Safety and Climate Team:
Gerald Paterson- Principal                                 [email protected]
Adriana Yenchik- Parent 
Vicki Tziouras
- Educational Assistant                   [email protected]
Tierney McKenney-Eifert- Social Worker             [email protected]
Jennifer LoBue- Teacher                                      [email protected]                           
Beth Misselhorn- Teacher                                   [email protected]
Alexis Skorochocki- Teacher                               [email protected]
Noelle Schappell- Anti-Bullying Specialist      [email protected]

The North Hanover Township School District envisions a united learning community of students, staff, parents, and administration committed to creating a safe and caring environment where compassion, acceptance, empathy, resilience, and respect are modeled and expected within our schools, and will extend into our world.


Reporting incidents of HIB:

Faculty and Staff:
1. Verbally report all suspected incidents of HIB within 24 hours to the building principal, or the administrator in charge if the principal is unavailable.

2. Within 48 hours of becoming aware of a HIB incident, a HIB 338 Form must be completed and given to the building principal.  The form is available on the school website.

  • Please keep in mind there can be only one "target" per reported incident. If there are multiple targets, multiple reports must be made.

Parents: You can report by contacting Dr. Paterson (C.B. Lamb Principal) at [email protected] or by calling 609-738-2630.  Once a verbal report is made, a HIB 338 Form (available on the school webpage) should be completed.

Anonymous reports can be made in by completing the 338 Form anonymously and sending  it to the main office in a sealed envelope. Please label the envelope "Dr. Paterson- Confidential"