


Each staff member at the CB Lamb School accepts responsibility for the maintenance of discipline and the promotion of a program for the development of wholesome human relations. Personal qualities emphasized include “Honesty," “Effort," “Responsibility," and “Respect." Student behavior is expected to reflect these qualities and comply with New Jersey State Law and Board of Education policies. The staff requests parental support in helping maintain appropriate conduct in the school.


The CB Lamb code of conduct is set in accordance with the North Hanover Board of Education (Policy #5600). The policy sets the parameters by which we have developed specific guidelines for our students.

The Board of Education expects pupils to conduct themselves in keeping with their level of maturity, with a proper regard for the rights and welfare of other pupils, for school personnel, for the educational purpose underlying all school activities, and for the care of school facilities and equipment.

Partner With Us
The Board of Education believes that standards of pupil behavior must be set cooperatively by interaction among the pupils, parents/guardians, staff and community, producing an atmosphere that encourages pupils to grow in self discipline. Such an atmosphere must include respect for self and others, as well as for district and community property.

Given the above guidelines the code of conduct is as follows:


  1. Respect all people and living things.
  2. Learn to treat others well and in a way that makes them feel like coming to our school.
  3. Become a part of the daily routine by greeting others, taking care of our school equipment.
  4. Come to school to learn and learn to get along with others.
  5. Behave in classroom, on the bus, at the playground, at lunch and special events.
  6. Dress for learning requires that students wear good fitting and comfortable clothes. Proper shoes that fit (sneakers) and are safe to run in. Make sure that clothes are appropriate for the season.
  7. Come to school on time and willing to learn.
  8. Electronic devices, toys and games may not be used or visible during the regular school day unless authorized by teacher/principal for a learning activity (e.g. show and tell). Please note that the school will incur no liability, financial or otherwise such private property become lost or damaged.


  1. Keep your hands, feet and other objects to yourself, all the times.
  2. Learn where to put your things and leave other's belongings alone unless you have permission to touch or take.
  3. The classroom is for everyone.
  4. You must use good health habits such as: wash hands, correct cover when sneezing or coughing, and no spitting.
  5. Class work is important. Always do your best and ask lots of questions.

Outside the classroom

  1. Use safe play in the playground area and equipment
  2. Follow the rules of the the playground area<
  3. Wait your turn to use playground equipment
  4. Field trips/assemblies- respect the property, stay with your teacher, and learn about the event.
  5. Bus ride- be seated properly and wear your seat belt. Behave as if you were in the classroom. Respect the bus driver as you do your teacher and parent.

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities:

  1. Encourage and support your child.
  2. Be sure your child attends school daily and is on time.
  3. Make sure your child is dressed appropriately.
  4. Teach your child, by work and example, respect for the law, for school rules and regulations, and for the rights and property of others.
  5. Encourage and support all school personnel.
  6. Provide a time and a place for homework and assist when appropriate.
  7. Read the notices sent home.
  8. Assist your child in having the necessary materials for class.
  9. Keep the lines of communication open with your child and with the school.
  10. Be sure your child's lunch meets his/her nutritional needs.

The following are examples of behaviors not in line with school rules:

  1. Being disrespectful to an adult, disregarding directions or instructions, etc.
  2. Using inappropriate language such as profanity or vulgarity.
  3. Harassing, teasing, name calling, threatening another student, which may result in a HIB investigation and measures.
  4. Disrupting classroom instruction or discussions by calling out, making excessive noise such as humming, whistling, tapping, playing with objects, throwing objects, leaving one's seat without permission.
  5. Failure to obey the rules and regulations on the school bus.
  6. Using aggressive behavior such as pushing, shoving, tripping, spitting, and fighting.
  7. Misusing playground equipment and/or disrupting another's play at recess, such as: play fighting, and throwing objects not part of approved game.
  8. Willful causing or attempting to cause damage to school property.
  9. Possession of unsafe or illegal articles/substances or inappropriate items.
  10. Causing a false alarm relative to fire, bomb, and/or terror threats.


Teachers will develop and use a variety of classroom management strategies to ensure on-task behavior is the norm in the classroom environment. Teachers are required to treat each student with courtesy, respect, and with an understanding of individual needs - corporal punishment by any staff member in any form is strictly forbidden.

Staff develop classroom rules, share them and review them with their students throughout the school year and will determine and use a variety of approaches to deal with disciplinary situations.

If the level of discipline escalates beyond the classroom, a member of the administrative team will handle infractions that violate the North Hanover Student Code of Conduct. Some of the strategies include:

A. Admonishment

B. Student-teacher conference

C. Parent conference

D. Temporary removal from classroom

E. Deprivation of privileges

F. Detention

G. Plagiarism consequences

H. Suspension (In-school or Out-of-school)

I. Expulsion

J. Restitution and restoration

K. Counseling

When administrative restrictions are imposed by an administrator, pupils will be isolated and work in a designated location with appropriate supervision. They may be permitted to attend some special subject classes with administrative approval.

Ordinarily, parents/guardians are to receive notice, by either a telephone call and/or an email, one school day in advance when a lunch detention is assigned. When unique circumstances prevail, an administrator may contact the parent/guardian to assign a detention held the same day.

Students must attend a central detention regardless of their extra-curricular commitments. It is the responsibility of the individual student to make all necessary arrangements to meet the obligations of the detention.

Recognition of Citizenship

Children displaying good citizenship will be recognized monthly with a Citizen of the Month Reward, a model citizen selected from each class. Citizen of the month is selected based on the following criteria. Please review this list with your child.

A Good School Citizen is one who observes and respects school rules in the following areas…

Playground Area
- Good sportsmanship
- Safety on the playground
- Sharing

Lunchroom Area
- Politeness
- Appropriate table manners
- Appropriate behavior while in line
- Respect for lunchroom assistants
- Cleanliness.
-Returning trays in an orderly manner
-Removing trash from table after eating.

Classroom guidelines as developed by individual classes and teachers

General Positive Behavior

Appropriate behavior during assemblies programs
Walking at all times within the school building
Helpful to his/her teacher, as well as the other students
Displays a positive attitude toward school
Accepts responsibility
Works well with others
Accepts suggestions
Listens well and follows directions
Respects the rights and property of others
Displays good school work habits
Respects teachers and all other adults supervising him/her